Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gilded Age-Immigration and More

http://www.pbs.org/wnet/facesofamerica/resources/trace-your-family-history/32/ Family Tree
http://www.ellisisland.org/ Ellis Island find your boat
http://www.nps.gov/elis/index.htm Ellis Island

http://www.history.com/topics/ellis-island History Channel
http://www.angel-island.com/history.html Angel Island

http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/angel/angel.htm Poetry Angel Island
http://www.poeticwaves.net/ Interactive Site on Angel Island
http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/historyonline/immigration_chron.cfm Digital History
http://www.rapidimmigration.com/1_eng_immigration_history.html History
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iheb2HqZPiw 10 Min Vid on Immigration
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RZbmeiYkJ0&feature=related Immigration Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rredHTyKaQ&feature=related Teacher Tube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8bPDdNRoxc&feature=related Ellis Island Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s16sQ3xkvRY&feature=related Ellis Island Ancestory.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wakJdXzu3Y&feature=related School House Rock
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_EQY-0ThOM Angel Island
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzT8EqhuYxA&feature=related Tenement Life
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAqMWdlg_qA&feature=related Golden Door

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R6GajHiJyk&feature=related Jane Adams

1 comment:

  1. Samuel Libby

    Blog Reflections
    First, I read the link on Angel island and found out that Angel Island was different than Ellis island greatly. At Angel Island, because of the strict immigration laws against the Chinese, the US officials would iterrogate all Chinese people about things to try to be able to deport them. From all this interrogation there were many poems that the Chinese wrote on the walls of the places they had to stay while waiting for questioning. These poems show the chinese’s feeling, especially since many of them spent weeks and sometimes months being detained. Eventually this building was destroyed and records were lost, and the immigration laws were appealed. This allowed Chinese to freely settle across the US.

    I watched the digital tour of coming to Ellis island on a immigration boat. It took me through the journey well and it seemed like a hard journey for people, especially kids. I did not know that there were so many things you had to go through, and get tested to see if you were able-bodied and such. It is also sad that some people would have to get sent back for various reasons. Overall, this made me understand as well as I can, how the journey went for them, although actually going through it was probably much more stressful, anxious and scary.

    Thirdly, I went to the virtual tour of Angel Island. I learned that the conditions were ridiculous, considering it was a once used military base, and was designed to keep the Chinese detained and out of the country due to the laws. Also, about the conditions in the barracks, health officials said that it was a firetrap, the smell from the bathrooms was unbearable and sometimes prisoners were being kept in there with them. Chinese men were immediately separated from women and children, which meant families would get split up. Also, they were all immediately checked for health reasons. To me this is all-ridiculous and doesn’t really show America as a welcoming nice place to the Chinese.
