Friday, September 27, 2013

Civil War 150 Anniversary Site Warm Up Page Fort Sumter Animated Map
History Channel 150th Anniversary Site

History Channel- 150 Year Anniversary
Who were they?
1.       What were the average age, height and profession of most soldiers?
2.       What percentage of the soldiers were immigrants and what group was the largest?
3.       Compare the pay of a Union Private to a Confederate Private.
Weapons of the War
4.       List some Pro’s and Con’s of two weapons from the weapons page.
How they died?
5.       What type of amputation had the highest death rate?
6.       What percent of soldiers died from disease? List the two top killers and give the number of deaths caused by these diseases?
7.       What percentage of the US population died in the war and what city is given as a comparison today?
Deadliest Battles
8.       List the five deadliest battles. What was the deadliest battle and give the death count?
What state had the most battles?
Paying for the War
9.       How much did each side pay for the war and what would the value be today?
10.   How did each side raise the cash to fight in the war?
West Point Warriors
11.   How old was McClellan when he enrolled at West Point?
12.   Name some famous Goat graduates from West Point.
13.   How many West Point graduates fought in the Civil War? How many were killed?
Explore- click on Explore located in the middle of the top of the page. Find three topics you found interesting and tell me what you learned about that topic.

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